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NJL has recently secured consent for 27 new homes in Cheadle, Stockport. We worked on behalf of AM7 Group, to take the scheme through planning and were the project managers of the wider technical team including Pozzoni, Steven Levrant and Urban Green.
NJL secures residential consent for derelict former nurses' home in Cheadle: Text
The site had become derelict and obsolete and was causing a significant strain on local resources and the emergency services. Neighbours were increasingly concerned about the level of anti-social behaviour associated with the site, and were keen to see the land developed. Through the application preparation, we had sight of the emergency services call log which linked over 2,000 calls to this site over the last 10 years. It was clear that something needed to change to reduce the risk and allow the site to contribute positively to the local area.
The application was not without its challenges. The site borders the Grade II Listed Cheadle Royal Hospital and is within a Registered Park and Garden and Conservation Area meaning there were significant heritage and conservation concerns that had to be addressed and overcome through the application. In addition, there are a number of other development proposals in the vicinity which meant careful consideration of construction methods was needed.
Before and throughout the application, NJL worked closely with neighbours, members and other stakeholders to generate significant local support for the proposals. This led to a number of letters of support being received which required the application being heard at planning committee.
NJL were successful in navigating all consultee comments and represented AM7 Group at Planning Committee earlier this year. Members were complimentary of the scheme and were pleased to see the land being put to good use after years of decay. The application was approved unanimously.
This scheme epitomises what NJL does best; proactive project management, technical expertise and a personable manner which allowed positive outcomes to be achieved.
NJL secures residential consent for derelict former nurses' home in Cheadle: Text
NJL secures residential consent for derelict former nurses' home in Cheadle: Image
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