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NJL Consulting secured Reserved Matters Approval for Northstone Developments for the first two phases of development at Horwich Golf Club.
NJL Secures Reserved Matters Approval For Development at Former Horwich Golf Club: Text
NJL Consulting acted on behalf of Northstone Developments Ltd. to secure Reserved Matters consent for phase 1 and 2 of the wider Outline permission. The application was approved by Bolton’s Planning Committee on 29 September 2022, where Members voted to grant scheme in accordance with Officer Recommendation. The proposals comprised 208 units, affordable housing, public open space, landscaping and significant biodiversity net-gain enhancements.
The Site was subject to a longstanding planning history with the first Outline application submitted (and refused) in 2017. The first Appeal was dismissed based on the impact to the surrounding landscape. The Appellant persevered and subsequent Outline permission was successfully granted in 2021.
Given the political temperature of the site, NJL realised the importance of a holistic approach towards proper, meaningful and robust public and political engagement. NJL and Northstone worked closely with the wider technical team to meet key stakeholders and worked tirelessly to address the numerous public comments. The case for development put forwards by NJL was indisputable and complied with parameters established at Outline consent.
In summary the proposals not only deliver significant housing for Bolton, but deliver wider public benefits including:
A pedestrian-led development, with shared surface service roads, providing safe movement for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists;
A carefully considered landscape scheme involving the retention and enhancement of woodland, new proposed SUDs system, linear green space and strong street planting; and
Access to new public spaces on the site and community links through a legible path and road network.
The approval of the scheme reinforces principles of good design with an inherent focus on place making to continue to raise the development standards within the borough and across North West. Residential units utilise a ‘fabric first’ approach with increased air tightness and effective heating controls that exceed forthcoming building regulations and support climate change mitigation. Solar panels and electric vehicle charging points will also be present at each home.
It was therefore unsurprising that the planning committee lasted all but 30 minutes to approve a residential scheme that the Borough feels proud of. Northstone is set to commence work on this landmark development early next year.
NJL Secures Reserved Matters Approval For Development at Former Horwich Golf Club: Text
NJL Secures Reserved Matters Approval For Development at Former Horwich Golf Club: Image
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